Why Strengths training is Important
Understanding your unique strengths empowers you to greater success.
Working within your strengths produces energy and passion.
Teams that embrace their strengths are more engaged and productive.
Young people who develop a strengths mindset can overcome negative messages and use their strengths to make a difference.
We can help you and your team understand and maximize your strengths.
How it works
Our interactive Strengths Workshops help organizations foster a strengths-based culture. We creatively incorporate instruction, small group discussions, and team-building activities to help people develop their individual strengths and understand the strengths of others.
get started
Contact us. We want know more about you, your team, and your goals.
Schedule a workshop date.
Begin your strengths journey. We will help you lead your team to greater confidence and energy.

Featured Blog posts
“Play to Your Strengths has created valuable lessons to encourage students to utilize their strengths in the present as well as in the future. This group meets once or twice a month and I am repeatedly stopped in the hallway with students asking, ‘When is the next meeting?’ filled with excitement and anticipation of the fun we have. A retreat for our students was also developed this fall and included a half-day of strengths work. It was an amazing day that students are still talking about!”
“I loved learning about my strengths and learning that who I am as a person is actually a good thing. I knew these things about myself before but couldn’t put a name to them or didn’t view them as a gift.”
“We have had the pleasure of having a couple of different workshops at our company. Our employees learned a lot about themselves and each other. From a management perspective, we were able to put members of our team in a better position to succeed after learning about their strengths and applying them to their role in our company. I would definitely recommend this training for your team!”
“… with Dr. Steve Gahagen’s pertinent questions and discussion, I began to see how the strengths that had helped develop my successful marketing career could lead me beyond that to bigger dreams... Play to Your Strengths coaching helped me not only dream bigger, but make those dreams happen.”
Highlight: students
Empower students to reach their full potential.
One of our greatest passions is encouraging students to be confident in their unique abilities and to use their strengths to make a positive difference in the world.
Our Strengths Retreats energize students as they articulate their strengths and discover the strengths of their peers.
Many students receive negative messages from peers and on social media. We provide tools for students to develop a positive strengths language. With confidence in who they are, students can overcome negative messages.
Our goal is to partner with businesses so that our work with young people is affordable for any school.