Play To Your Strengths | Strengthsfinder Training

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The Gift of Friends

By Steve Gahagen

My wife, Jane, and I are so thankful for the friends that have crossed our paths in every season of life. Richness in life does not come from the things we possess but from sharing life with others. As we have transitioned from one place and season of our life to another, we treasure all the relationships along the way. Together, with many others, we were able to create a life-giving community that had a dynamic impact on thousands of people. It’s fun and fulfilling to be able to do something great together. 

One of our passions at Play to Your Strengths is to help people see how they can utilize their strengths to build stronger relationships with others. One of the values of learning about our own talents is that when we are happy with who we are, we can more easily make space for those around us. When we know our own strengths, we can better see the strengths of others. 

We love to provide tools that can create breakthrough conversations with those we love. In our culture, we find it difficult to have conversations about our positive features and what we are good at. We tend to be more sarcastic in our conversation style with those close to us. At Play to Your Strengths, we try to make that easy and more natural, often opening the door to breakthrough conversations that would have never happened otherwise. 

Question to Consider:

  1. Name three friends who have been life-giving to you. Consider sending them a text to let them know they made the list. 

  2. How can you leverage your strengths to build healthy relationships?

  3. What disciplines/habits could you put in place so you are consistently communicating and affirming those you love?