A Remarkable Gift
By Steve Gahagen
Madie Hubert, our Program Director for Youth and Schools, passed away suddenly on Saturday evening. She was a dynamic young leader and a remarkable gift to our organization over the last four years. As we went around the room at our team meeting this week, reflecting with heavy hearts, two comments emerged:
Madie was the kind of person who, if you met once, you would remember because of the way she lit up the room.
When you first met Madie, you weren’t sure she was for real. Can anyone really be that positive? She was! When I first met her for an interview at Caribou Coffee, I knew she was someone special.
Madie embodied the values of Play to Your Strengths. She loved to inspire people to thrive in life. She was passionate about providing people tools and experiences to write a great and remarkable story. She was particularly focused on helping young people discover their strengths, inspiring them to make a positive difference in the world. She loved them like they were her own. On the Sunday following her death, one high school student told us, “She usually texts me on Sunday mornings, I noticed I didn’t get a text today.”
Madie was one of the most talented young leaders I have had the opportunity to coach and work with. She was mature beyond her years and modeled sacrificial love for others. She inspired many to thrive in life! She lived all out and was never afraid to take a risk and try something new. Her life was brief, but her impact great.
I am so grateful to have had her on our team and to walk beside her for this all-too-short season of time.
Our blog posts this week are a tribute to Madie Hubert, our beloved friend and colleague who embodied the values of Play to Your Strengths.