Remarkably You

By Steve Gahagen

Madie and I were working on a video teaching series over the last few weeks called, “Remarkably You.” We had a lot of fun creating the series, and with COVID-19 we thought we would attempt a Zoom video teaching format.

The videos were never quite to the level of perfection we wanted. We experienced lighting issues and internet lags, so we held off on releasing them. However, in a tribute to the life-giving energy Madie exhibited, I thought we should share one video. This segment is called, “The Power of Weird.” 

We created a worksheet to accompany the videos. You can download it below. Madie would be overjoyed if you took the time to complete the worksheet and reflect on how you can live a life that is remarkably you. This is a wonderful family or work team exercise.

At Play to Your Strengths, our mission is to help people thrive in life. Our story is only remarkable when it is uniquely ours. Madie modeled a remarkable life.

Our blog posts this week are a tribute to Madie Hubert, our beloved friend and colleague who embodied the values of Play to Your Strengths.

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